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Why I Use AKISMET Anti-Spam Plugin for WordPress

Hi, Dave Fox here from Starscape SEO. In today’s digital world, running a WordPress site comes with its fair share of challenges.

One of the most frustrating issues is spam. Whether it’s comment spam, fake form submissions, or unwanted bots infiltrating your website, spam has become a persistent headache for website owners.

Fortunately, there’s a reliable solution for WordPress users: the Akismet Anti-Spam plugin.

In this article, I’ll explore what spam is, why it’s harmful to your website, and how Akismet helps to combat it effectively. I’ll also dive into alternatives to Akismet for those seeking additional options.

The Problem with Spam

Spam is unsolicited and irrelevant content sent over the internet, often to large groups of users, in an attempt to promote products or services.

On websites, spam usually shows up as comments, form submissions, or even trackbacks filled with suspicious links, irrelevant content, or harmful code.

In the case of WordPress, spam typically infiltrates posts and pages through the comment section, often including links to dubious websites. This is where the problem starts.

Many WordPress sites have their comment sections automatically open to allow users to leave feedback or engage in discussions.

However, this also opens the door for spammers to post comments filled with links to promote their own websites, products, or harmful sites.

Not only does this clutter your website with irrelevant content, but it can also harm your website’s reputation, lead to penalties from search engines, and negatively impact user experience.

Spam is particularly damaging in several ways:

SEO: Spam links can lead to penalties from search engines like Google, which may interpret the influx of spammy links as a signal that your site is engaging in shady practices.

User Experience: Imagine a visitor comes to your site and sees hundreds of spammy comments with irrelevant links—this diminishes credibility and can drive away potential clients or readers.

Security Risks: Some spam links can lead to phishing sites or malware, potentially compromising your site’s visitors.

WordPress and the Spam Dilemma

WordPress is a popular platform, powering over 40% of the web, and with its popularity comes increased vulnerability to spam. 

Spam also affects your SEO.  In fact, too much spam can make Google really give you the side eye.  There is even a score behind the scenes that indicates how “spammy” your site is.  Need to keep that score as close to zero as possible.

The default WordPress setup allows comments on posts, and spammers take advantage of this to flood the comment sections with harmful links and irrelevant content.

While website owners can manually moderate each comment, this is impractical for larger websites that receive hundreds or thousands of comments daily.

Enter Akismet.

How Akismet Fights Spam

Akismet is an anti-spam plugin developed by Automattic, the company behind WordPress.

It’s one of the most popular spam prevention tools and comes pre-installed on every WordPress installation, though you need to activate it.

So, how does Akismet work?

Spam Filtering Algorithm: Akismet uses a sophisticated algorithm to scan and filter out spam. When someone submits a comment, Akismet automatically checks it against its vast database of known spam. If the comment matches any patterns or known spam, it’s flagged and either deleted or placed in a moderation queue for review.

Real-Time Spam Prevention: Akismet operates in real-time, meaning that it instantly processes comments as they come in. This minimizes the time spam remains visible on your site, reducing the chance of visitors seeing any spam content.

Learning System: Akismet’s algorithm improves over time by learning from the vast amount of data it processes. As more websites use Akismet, its spam detection abilities improve, allowing it to catch new and evolving spam tactics.

Dashboard Integration: Akismet seamlessly integrates into your WordPress dashboard. Once installed, it provides a clear interface where you can view all the spam comments it has caught, as well as any false positives (legitimate comments flagged as spam), which can be corrected easily.

Privacy Protection: Unlike some spam prevention tools that may collect sensitive data, Akismet takes privacy seriously. It only stores the necessary data to fight spam, helping protect user information.

Why Akismet is a Must-Have

The benefits of Akismet extend far beyond simple spam filtering. For one, it saves you hours of manual moderation.

Akismet can automatically filter out the majority of spam comments, freeing up your time to focus on more critical aspects of website management.

As mentioned, Akismet helps protect your website’s search engine rankings by preventing spam links from damaging your SEO. Spam comments often include links to low-quality or harmful websites.

If search engines detect an abundance of these links on your site, they may penalize you, resulting in a drop in rankings. By stopping spam at its source, Akismet helps keep your site clean and SEO-friendly.

Lastly, Akismet keeps your users safe.

By blocking spammy links and content, it reduces the risk of visitors accidentally clicking on phishing links or harmful websites, thus maintaining your website’s reputation and visitor trust.

Alternatives to Akismet

While Akismet is a fantastic solution, it may not be the perfect fit for everyone. Thankfully, there are a few notable alternatives to consider.

Antispam Bee: A highly regarded alternative, Antispam Bee is free and comes with great customization options. It doesn’t rely on external services, ensuring better privacy for users. However, it’s primarily suited for personal blogs or smaller sites.

CleanTalk: This paid service offers advanced spam protection that goes beyond just comments—it can also protect against spam registrations and contact form submissions. It’s well-suited for larger websites looking for an all-in-one solution.

Wordfence Security: While primarily a security plugin, Wordfence offers a spam-filtering component that integrates well with its overall suite of security tools. It’s a solid option for users looking for both security and spam protection in one package.

Spam Protection by WP Armour: WP Armour is another popular free option that blocks spam by adding an invisible honeypot field to your forms.

Spammers typically fill in these fields, which legitimate users never see, allowing the plugin to catch and block spam submissions.


Spam is an unavoidable challenge for any WordPress website, but it doesn’t have to consume your time or ruin your site’s reputation.

Akismet is an incredibly effective tool that saves time, protects SEO, and keeps your visitors safe.

While alternatives like Antispam Bee and CleanTalk offer viable options, Akismet’s real-time spam detection and integration with WordPress make it a top choice for website owners serious about maintaining a spam-free site.

If you’re running a WordPress site, activating Akismet should be one of the first things on your to-do list.

Call or Text Starscape SEO: (519) 208-8680

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